作者:束定芳 编
阅读技巧讲解Unit One University Life Text 1 A Farewell Gift Text 2 Family Bonds Text 3 Girls Miss Friends When They Head to College Text 4 Expert Tips to Prepare for Exams Text 5 I Passed the TestUnit Two Reading Text 1 SQ3R: A Reading Technique Text 2 Reasons Why You Might Be Reading Some Particular Text.. Text 3 Improve Your Reading Text 4 Eliminating Poor Mental Habits of Reading Text 5 Increase Your Reading Speed by Quieting Subvocalization ..Unit Three Parents and Children Text 1 The Apple Tree Text 2 The Emily Tree Text 3 It Takes a Special Man to Fill a Stepfather's Shoes Text 4 The Other Mother Text 5 The All-Leather, NFL Regulation, 1963 Chicago Bears- inscribed FootballUnit Four Friendship Text I The Beauty of Friendship Text2 Friends Text 3 The Color Of Friendship Text 4 Losing Friends Text 5 Helping a Friend Who Is HurtingUnit Five Education Text I A Letter from a High School Freshman Text 2 A Note in My Mailbox Text 3 WhoYou Are Makes a Difference! Text 4 Chuck Text 5 Creative Crafts for KidsUnit Six Love Text 1 Speak out Your Love Text 2 Grandpa's Valentine Text 3 Love Is Just a Thread Text 4 The Art of Love Letters Text 5 Hungry for Your LoveUnit Seven Christmas Text I Christmas Text 2 The Giving Trees Text 3 From the Heart Text 4 Christmas Lights Text 5 The Spirit of Santa Doesn't Wear a Red SuitUnit Eight Animals Text 1 Mother Duck's Miracle Text 2 A Friend in Need Text 3 Dragonflies Text 4 How Do Animals Know When an Earthquake Is Coming?. Text 5 5 Tips to Add Zing to Your DogWalk RoutineAnswers
The graying of America has many health-care planners worried. The life expectancies ofeven the very old (85 and older) have increased significantly in recent years. But at the same time,this group faces the highest risk of chronic disease and disability requiring long-term care. Payingfor this care could wipe out the entire life savings of many people within a year.The number of Americans aged 85 and older is expected to grow three to four times as fast asthe general population between 1990 and 2010 and is expected to increase from 2 million in 1980to 16 million by the year 2050. Of major significance for long-term care are the lengthening lifeexpectancies at age 85, which have increased 24% since 1960 and are projected to increase another44% by 2040.While only 5% of Americans over 65 currently reside in nursing homes, that percentage risessharply with age. Twenty-two percent of persons 85 and older live in nursing homes.According to national estimates, one year in a nursing home costs an average of $22,000, andthis figure is expected to more than double by 2018. Given that the mean income for Americansaged 65 and older is currently $19,000, most people in that age group will simply not be able tostay in nursing homes.Two possible routes for private insurance plans are individual plans and employer-sponsored plans. Individual policies covering long-term care are currently the most widelyavailable coverage. In 1983, only .16 companies offered individual long-term care policies;in 1988, there were more than 100. By 1987, about 400,000 people owned long-term careinsurance; in 1988, there were more than l million. However, these are mostly youngerworkers. The number of those over 65 with such policies today is still relatively small, atapproximately 100,000.