作者:郭元波 编
UNIT 1 Cashing in on ExhibitionsDIALOGUE Attending an ExhibitionTEXT A What Is an Exhibition for?Notes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Taking Advantage of the Exhibit MarketingExercisesLINK An Overview of the Exhibition IndustryUNIT 2 Going for the Right SiteDIALOGUE Asking about the StandTEXT A Going for the Right Place for ExhibitionNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Exhibit Strategies and Its ManagerExercisesLINK Size and Site Do MatterUNIT 3 Establishing a BudgetDIALOGUE Discussing the Budget for ExhibitionTEXT A Budget, the First PriorityNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B A Good Exhibition Budget Does Pay offExercisesLINK Budget, a Means of Regulating the Operation of an ExhibitionUNIT 4 Managing and Training Your StaffDIALOGUE Talking about Holding an ExhibitionTEXT A Staff Selection and TrainingNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Managing Your Stand TeamExercisesLINK Staff Selection and DevelopmentUNIT 5 Preparing Your StandDIALOGUE Talking about the Shell Scheme StandTEXT A Stand Construction and DecorationNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Opex Exhibition ServicesExercisesLINK Getting Your Stand BuiltUNIT 6 Communicating EffectivelyDIALOGUE Making Use of GiveawaysTEXT A Making Your Stand a Complete SuccessNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Selling by Asking QuestionsExercisesLINK Public RelationsUNIT 7 Contract ManagementDIALOGUE Talking about Stand DesignTEXT A How to Select ContractorsNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B The Exhibition Space Application ContractExercisesLINK The Contract Management ProcessUNIT 8 Measuring Exhibition SuccessDIALOGUE Talking about the Post-showTEXT A Post-show Follow-upNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Reap the RewardsExercisesLINK Measuring the ResultsUNIT 9 Meeting and Convention VenuesDIALOGUE Deciding on a VenueTEXT A Selecting Conference and Convention VenuesNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Tips for Evaluating Your Meeting Venue OptionsExercisesLINK Choosing a Venue or an Event SiteUNIT 10 Preparing a Productive MeetingDIALOGUE Planning the Meeting AgendaTEXT A Meeting Planners and Convention PlannersNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B The Agenda——Key to a MeetingExercisesLINK The Preparation of a MeetingUNIT 11 Logistics in Great EventsDIALOGUE Talking about Organizers ServiceTEXT A Conference LogisticsNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Post-conference Tour in BeijingExercisesLINK Logistics and Catering ManagementUNIT 12 Organization of Great EventsDIALOGUE Talking about the Show PlanTEXT A Preparing the GroundNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Leadership Traits and StylesExercisesLINK Organizational Structures of an EventUNIT 13 Risk ManagementDIALOGUE Talking about Risk PreventionsTEXT A Risk ManagementNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B The Effective ways to Deal with RisksExercisesLINK Risk and Disaster PreventionsUNIT 14 Evaluating a MeetingDIALOGUE Evaluating with the QuestionnaireTEXT A An Overview of Meeting EvaluationNotes to the TextIn-class DiscussionExercisesTEXT B Paving the Way for the Future by EvaluationExercisesLINK Ingredients of a Successful Meeting EvaluationAppendix Global Meetings & ExhibitionsReferences
considerable publicity and promotion value. They have sprung up in major cities, malls and evenairports in the US and cover both mainstream retailers and firms with new products to introduce.Pop-ups and other buzz marketing techniques seek to be edgy. In other words, astute marketersare desperate to attract consumers interest and attention, one that involves developing somethingnew before the latest technique gets stale and loses effectiveness. What is clear is that theindustry realizes that conventional advertising is much less effective. In fact, 2004 was describedas the year that the traditional 60-second advertising spot died. The comment is an exaggeration,but reflects the new direction. There are predictions that the new type of marketing budget willfeature more events and exhibit marketing.
Exhibit and event marketing share some characteristics. First, they are events with somecommercial purposes because they are experiences that require attendees to act within theevent situation. If the event is a business-to-business trade show, both parties come togetherfor a related purpose: to promote or experience a group of vertical products and services. Thecommercial purpose of the show is overt and the players participate actively. Companies marctake orders for their products and have tangible sales results. Similarly, even if the event isaimed at consumers as with craft shows, home and garden shows, boat shows or the like, thereis an overt commercial purpose. That purpose is to promote the products and services featured.It is less likely that the show will generate commercial sales but, depending on the event, theyhappen. If on the other hand, the event is a "festival", or a rock and roll concert, thecommercial purpose is muted and the sponsor gains less commercial benefit. Typically, thedesired result may be awareness and image creation, but not necessarily sales.
While both forms of experiential marketing have grown in importance, we will focus onexhibit marketing, specifically trade shows. In 1995, trade shows accounted for between 16-20percent of a business marketing budget. A study in 2004 conducted among 700 marketingdecision makers in the automotive, high-tech, financial and health care industries showed thatbudgets had grown to above the 20 percent level. In dollar terms, that figure approximates anincredible $166 billion. For many small businesses with limited budgets, trade shows andpersonal selling are the only promotion mix elements available. Despite its clear importance,exhibit marketing is essentially ignored in the recent academic literature. During the 1970s and1980s, the academic literature recognized the importance of exhibit marketing and devotedconsiderable attention to its theory and practice. Since then, there has been very little academicinterest: there are few academic references and little academic understanding of the costs,benefits and operation of trade shows.