作者:齐宪华,于红霞 主编
前言Part Ⅰ Control Principle Unit One Introduction to Control Systems Unit Two Feedback Control Unit Three Transfer Functions of Linear Systems Unit Four Impulse Response of Linear Systems and Block Diagram Unit Five Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems Unit Six Root Locus Techniques Unit Seven Stabilization and Improvement of Transient Response Unit Eight Improvement of Static Accuracy Unit Nine Introduction to Stability of Control Systems Unit Ten Applications of Automatic ControlPart Ⅱ Computer Technique Unit Eleven Basic Computer Architecture Unit Twelve Conversions Between Analogue and Digital Signals Unit Thirteen Microprocessors in Control Applications Unit Fourteen Computer-Controlled SystemsPart Ⅲ Measurement Instrumentation Unit Fifteen Process Instrumentation Unit Sixteen Temperature Measurement Unit Seventeen Pressure Measurement Unit Eighteen Flow Measurement Unit Nineteen Digital Transducers Unit Twenty Control and InstrumentationPart Ⅳ Thermal Automatic Control Systems Unit Twenty-one Introduction to Modern Power Plant Unit Twenty-two Introduction to Instrumentation and Control in Thermal Power Plant Unit Twenty-three Boiler and Turbine Controls Unit Twenty-four Coordinated Control Systems Unit Twenty-five Distributed Control Systems Unit Twenty-six Process Control Trend Unit Twenty-seven Control Systems DesignPart Ⅴ Protection Systems Unit Twenty-eight Logic Circuits Unit Twenty-nine Logic Control and Protection Systems Unit Thirty Sequence Control Systems Unit Thirty-one Programmable Logic Controller(PLC)Part Ⅵ Fieldbus Unit Thirty-two Introduction to Fieldbus Unit Thirty-three Application of FieldbusAppendix参考文献
In recent years, automatic control systems have assumed an increasingly importantrole in the development and advancement of modern civilization and technology. Domesti-cally, automatic controls in heating and air conditioning systems regulate the temperatureand the humidity of modern homes for comfortable living. Industrially, automatic controlsystems are found in numerous applications, such as quality control of manufacturedproducts, automation, machine tool control, modern space technology and weapon sys-tems, computer systems, transportation systems, and robotics. Even such problems as in-ventory control, social and economic systems control, and environmental and hydrologicalsystems control may be approached from the theory of automatic control.
The basic control system concept may be the simpleblock diagram shown in Fig. 1.1. The objective of the sys-tem is to control the variable c in a prescribed manner bythe actuating signal e through the elements of the controlsystem.
In more common terms, the controlled variable is the output of the system, and the actua-ting signal is the input. As a simple example, in the steering control of an automobile, the direc-tion of the two front wheels may be regarded as the controlled variable c, the output. The posi-tion of the steering wheel is the input, the actuating signal e. The controlled process or system inthis case is composed of the steering mechanisms, including the dynamics of the entire automo-bile However, if the objective is to control the speed of the automobile, then the amount ofpressure exerted on the accelerator is the actuating signal, with the speed regarded as the con-trolled variable.